Joomla 1.7 Local on iis5 
Ive downloaded and set up ReCaptcha Plugin, cause I want Captcha in the cart if the punter goes straight to checkout, without registering.
ReCaptcha works in the Cart Registration Form.
If I enable it for Contact form, its ok too.
If I enable it for Joomla user create account its ok too.
For password and username forgotten forms there is nothing.
So i thought i'd get Easycalccheckplus, and see if the two will work together, cause I want
a spam check on password and username forgotten (reminder) forms.
So I set Easycalc for user registration and NOT for Contact.
This means the JOOMLA user reg form now shows easycalc, as does password and username forgotten forms, And Contact and cart Registration show ReCaptcha.
On submitting each form it all works EXCEPT the JOOMLA registration which fails with the ReCaptcha error message...remember the checker here is Easycalc. Some how the two are in conflict on the JOOMLA reg form.
This is very annoying. Some punters will create an account via Joomla reg form and others will just go straight to checkout and be forced to do it there... so the captcha considerations aren't perfect.
Easycalc is an attractive, simple checker compared to the ugliness of ReCaptcha with its illegible distorted text.
Ideally I would just like to have Easycalc on all the input forms..
If I have to use ReCaptcha I will of course, but I want Some sort of Captcha on every input form that gets submitted...
Any Suggestions much appreciated.
Hope I'm being clear.
Rgds emmdee