Download HikaShop FedEx Shipping Plugin

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13 years 1 month ago #35612

HikaShop FedEx Shipping Module
Hello guys. I was recently disappointed that HikaShop did not include a FedEx shipping module, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and hire someone to make one for me. The FedEx Shipping plugin is now in a working state and should satisfy all of you looking for a FedEx Shipping Hikashop plugin.

It features the following shipping methods:
    FedEx Ground (USA, PUERTO RICO)
    FedEx 2 Day (USA, PUERTO RICO)
    FedEx Express Saver Time Pickup (USA, PUERTO RICO)
    FedEx First Overnight (USA, PUERTO RICO)
    FedEx Ground (Home Delivery) (USA, PUERTO RICO)
    FedEx Priority Overnight (USA, PUERTO RICO)
    FedEx Smart Post (USA, PUERTO RICO)
    FedEx Standard Overnight (USA, PUERTO RICO)
    FedEx International Economy ()
    FedEx International Economy Distribution ()
    FedEx International First ()
    FedEx International Ground ()
    FedEx International Priority ()
    FedEx International Priority Distribution ()
    FedEx Europe First ()

REQUIREMENTS: Your server must have SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) enabled. If it does not have SOAP enabled then you will need to contact your host to enable this PHP extension.

Download HikaShop FedEx Shipping Plugin:

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:127 KB

I ended up paying a lot of money get this plugin developed professionally and would appreciate donations if you found this plugin useful and would like it to be updated.

Click Here To Donate

Update #1: Thanks to those who have donated, because of your donations I can update this plugin. Introducing version 1.1! The requirement for dimensions has been taken off as of version 1.1. and as promised, international ground shipping method has now been implemented.

Next Update: For the next instalment I plan to take all of your bug reports and fix them. This will be version 1.2 that will hopefully be coming soon.

Last edit: 12 years 9 months ago by nicolas.

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13 years 1 month ago #35633

That's really great !
I had a look at the code and it's a nice piece :)

I'll add a link to this thread from the documentation so that you get more exposure for your plugin and that other users can easily find it.

I think that it's time that we work on a plugins area on our website.

Thank you for sharing it with the community !

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13 years 1 month ago #35656

I installed the plugin but the FedEx shipping is not coming up in my store front. I don't know what I did wrong.

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13 years 1 month ago #35658

I will be more than happy to donate as soon as I can get the plugin to work on my storefront

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13 years 1 month ago #35666

There are several requirements for the plugin: openSSL and soap need to be activated on your server. If that's not the case, you should ask your hosting company.

The URL of the fedex server is the wsbeta one:
REplacing it to this one in the file plugins/hikashopshipping/fedexlibrary/RateServiceV10.wsdl made it work for me:

It would be nice to add an error message when there is a problem:

if($response->HighestSeverity == "ERROR") {
 $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
 $app->enqueueMessage('Fedex Error: '.$response->Notifications->Code.' '.$response->Notifications->Message);

Before the line:
if($response->HighestSeverity == "SUCCESS")

in the file plugins/hikashopshipping/fedex.php

The Zone option of the plugin should contain the country of origin as that's what is used (normally that field is for zone restrictions). So, before the code:
You should add this code:
 $messages['no_zone_configured'] = 'No country configured in the FedEx shipping plugin Zone option';
 return true;
in the plugin main file so that it displays an error message if no country is specified.

Then I got that error:
Code	701
Message	Packaging type missing or invalid 
Although I had selected the FEXED_BOX method so I changed it to YOUR_PACKAGING

Then, I had the error:
Code	522
Message	Destination country code missing or invalid
Although My address was this:
		PersonName	Mr paul xxxxxxx
		CompanyName	NULL
		PhoneNumber	xxxxxxxxx
		0	xx xxxxx xxxxxxx
	City	villeurbanne
	StateOrProvinceCode	69
	PostalCode	69100
	CountryCode	FR
	Residential	TRUE

which sounds valid to me unless FR is not for France in the Fedex API which I don't know. So I was stuck here. Would you have more information on that ?

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13 years 1 month ago #35720

Hey nicolas,

Thanks a lot! You should start a plugins section, I am sure more people would develop them. Thanks for the advice, I will run you suggestions by my developer and see how things go. When the next update is available I will let you guys know :)

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13 years 1 month ago #35727

Thanks for the FedEx plugin work.

We will look at donating soon.

One problem we had was on installing the plugin.

We had made several additions to the language override file and we lost all of our language file changes because the FedEx plugin overwrote them all.

Not sure how hard that would be to fix, but it was frustrating to lose our work on the language override file.

We have not had a chance to test out the fedex plugin thoroughly yet, but will let you know if there is anything else we find.

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13 years 1 month ago #35856

Hey guys.

I have just released version 1.1 the Hikashop FedEx shipping plugin. In this new version the requirement for dimensions has been taken off and as promised, international ground shipping method has now been implemented. For the next instalment I plan to take all of your bug reports and fix them. This will be version 1.2 that will hopefully be coming soon.

I will keep you guys updated. Thanks and best regards.

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13 years 1 month ago #35901

We keep getting the following error when trying to use the FedEx plugin:

Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found in /home/glasstil/public_html/plugins/hikashopshipping/fedex/fedex.php on line 690

Any thoughts on what we need to do to get it to work?

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13 years 1 month ago #35903

That's great!

@wildfire: this means that you didn't activate the soap php extension on your server. You should ask you hosting company to do that.
By the way, it would be good I think to add a small check like that in the plugin:

 $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
 $app->enqueueMessage('The SOAP PHP extension is not activated on your server. The FedEx plugin requires it. Please ask your hosting company to activate it for you.');
 return false;

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13 years 1 month ago #35902

That's great!

@wildfire: this means that you didn't activate the soap php extension on your server. You should ask you hosting company to do that.
By the way, it would be good I think to add a small check like that in the plugin:

 $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
 $app->enqueueMessage('The SOAP PHP extension is not activated on your server. The FedEx plugin requires it. Please ask your hosting company to activate it for you.');
 return false;

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13 years 1 month ago #35927

Thanks, Nicolas. That worked on the SOAP issue.

We got the FedEx plugin working to show FedEx 2day air rates for USA, but we can't get any of the FedEx Ground rates to work.

Do we need to do or configure something different besides checking the box for the Ground rates to show, or is this a bug in the plugin?

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Last edit: 13 years 1 month ago by wildfire.

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13 years 1 month ago #35928

Ticking the option should be enough. If you don't see it, it's either that this shipping method is not available (because of your user address, or the weight of the products, etc) or because there is a problem in the plugin. I had a quick look in the plugin code but I couldn't find anything relevant to that problem.

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13 years 1 month ago #35929

Thanks for the quick reply.

Just seems weird that some of the FedEx shipping options like 2nd Day Air would work just fine, but the Ground options do not.

We tested the address and account using other shopping carts and their FedEx plugin (Tienda) and everything worked just fine to calculate the ground rates, so we are guessing that it might be an issue with the plugin.

Is anyone else having problems getting FedEx ground rates for shipping addresses in the USA?

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Last edit: 13 years 1 month ago by wildfire.

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13 years 1 month ago #38318

Hello guys,
I have been busy lately and have not had time to contact my developer. I should have an update coming next week for this plugin that will fix the bugs you guys have been reporting. I will let you know when it is available.

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13 years 1 month ago #38456

Thanks for the work on the FedEx plugin.

These are the problems we are having with it right now. Will these issues be fixed in the upcoming release?

1. Our language override file is being overwritten every time we do anything with the Fedex plugin. So we lose all our language overrides we have put in the file. It just gets overwritten with the fedex plugin's language overrides.

2. We get quotes for Fedex 2nd day and Priority Overnight, but we do not get rates for Fedex Ground, or Fedex Express Saver

3. We can't turn off the Fedex ETA. We don't want to show the ETA for each method in our checkout screen but when the checkbox in the plugin parameters is unchecked, the ETA still shows up in our checkout screen.

We look forward to a new version of the plugin and as soon as we have these issues addressed here, then we will be able to use it and will be happy to donate some $$ to say thanks.

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13 years 1 month ago #38469

Also, just noticed that our shipping rates are not being updated from the original quote when a user changes the items in their cart. For example, if they click on the "Continue Shopping" link and add more products to the order, it is still just showing the original shipping quote.
Or if they add more of a product to their order in the checkout cart, the order totals change but the shipping rates do not get recalculated.

Not sure if this is a problem with the fedex shipping plugin or with Hikashop itself.

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13 years 3 weeks ago #39799

We figured out why some of the shipping rates were not displaying.

The fedex plugin was making our "Packaging Type" field value go back to "FedEx Packaging" rather than Our own Packaging and so when we would save things in the plugin the Fedex packaging value was being reset to fedex packaging and that type of packaging is not allowed with Fedex Ground and a few other shipping types.

So everything is working fine for us now with this plugin except for the following two annoyances:

Our language override file gets completely overwritten every time we open the fedex plugin to make any changes so we lose all our language overrides we put in that file.

The packaging type does not stay on the value we set so if we don't change it back every time we make a change to the plugin, then it will reset things to Fedex packaging type.

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13 years 2 days ago #42892

Hi, thank for your plugin, is it normal it doesn't work in Canada? Is there anyway to have it work?
I notice the shipping method is not showing on payment method, I don't know why.

I also get this error with firebug when I activate internationnal shipping : NetworkError: 500 Schema validation failed for request. -

Last edit: 13 years 2 days ago by tiger.

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12 years 11 months ago #43406

I tried the FedEx plugin and contacted the host making sure SOAP is enabled - still no luck. No FedEx shipping rates are showing up. The site is not live yet - under a dev url - shouldn't it be working? The other shipping plugins work, but the client wants FedEx only.

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