HikaShop Business

€ 120,00


HikaShop Business is the best HikaShop version including all our features.
Create a shop online and develop your business with our reporting system or the built-in affiliate system, gather additional data from your customers with custom fields, and much more.
A tax rate (between 17% and 27% based on your country) will be added if your address is in the European Union and that you don't provide a valid VAT number or if your address is in France as per the European Union law.

HikaShop Business includes all the features from HikaShop Starter and HikaShop Essential.
* You can compare all our versions here.
* You can upgrade your version here.


  • products and sales PRODUCTS AND SALES
  • Access levels on products, variants, categories, prices, discounts and coupons
  • Currency rates auto update
  • Default currency selection using geolocation
  • White listing or black listing of zones using geolocation
  • Geolocation information for users and orders
  • Custom fields for orders, items and entries as well as custom file type
  • Import of files as products using template products
  • Easy copy of products
  • Out of stock notifications
  • Comparison system for products
  • layout LAYOUT
  • Dashboard with map widget and CSV data download
  • Images watermarking
  • Email customization
  • Effects on products listing - carrousel with transition effects
  • Customizable filters for products listings
  • marketing tools MARKETING TOOLS
  • Tracking of affiliates clicks/leads/sales
  • Affiliation program
  • Google Analytics integration for e-commerce statistics


  • HikaShop is compatible with every versions of Joomla from 3 to 5.x. 
    Joomla 3.x Joomla 4.x  Joomla 5.x 
  • GPL v3
  • No limit of time
  • 1 year free updates
  • 1 year free HikaShop support for one website
  • 1 year web cron service for one website
  • HikaShop only supports MySQL (no postGreSQL or Oracle or MSSQL support)
  • Installation guaranteed! If you have any problems installing HikaShop, we'll do it for you.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Support and access to updates can be extended for 60€/year