joomla 1.7 ACL and Hika Multi Shop

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13 years 10 months ago #15156

Hi to all,
in first of all congratulations for Hika Shop, clear and simply is what my customers need.

Then, one of the most joomla 1.6 news is the ACL / Groups management.
So, I want develop a shop site where some users (based on their level, publisher for ex., and/or group) can add their products to the shop and manage their own payments etc. (like a small shop administrator where the site owner will be like a super administrator).

Please, Is it possible with Hika Shop ?
How ?

Last edit: 13 years 4 months ago by joomleb.

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13 years 10 months ago #15157

There is no multi vendor capability yet in HikaShop.
The ACL integration we have now in HikaShop is the opposite part and enables you to select which group of users can see products, categories, discounts, payment methods, shipping methods, etc.

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13 years 10 months ago #15158

Nicolas, Thanks for quick reply.
Multi vendor capability is a must for me (and I believe a must for a lot of us)

Is it in Hika to do list ?
Have you an idea on its release / a roadmap ?
(I'm not a programmer) How can I help its development ?

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13 years 10 months ago #15160

It's in the todo list.
There is no roadmap for it yet.
We do the features based on the custom works people ask us to do which we integrates in HikaShop so that everyone can benefit from them.

A multi vendor feature, as you probably understand is a big piece of work. It will require several weeks of work and so such custom works are usually too expensive for the people requesting a quote for it.
The solution would probably be to have several people team up to share the costs of that feature but we didn't find it a solution on how to do that.

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13 years 10 months ago #15163

(I don't know value)
Simply, What about a voting and then a prepaid subscription ?!?

For example: if you think this feature can be valued 50 €/year and need work for 1.000 € (the minimum established to start work), each people who need pay now 50 €, as you a arrive to 20 subscribers you start development and as you release the Hika multi Shop start the year subscription...

If you have ideas on values please write here and I can be proactive...

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13 years 10 months ago #15198

Well that's an interesting idea. We would have to see how we can handle such voting/subscription system.

As for the value of such feature, it would depend on what we do for the multi vendor handling.
payments made to the admin or to each vendor (commission ?)
manage products ? Fees for the listing of a product ?
create new categories ?
multi lingual edition support ?
orders management ?
allow orders to be made across several vendors ?
Where we stop will greatly made the value vary.
It might be interesting to make a poll out of these questions so that people can answer it so we know what they want the most...

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13 years 10 months ago #15231

Hi nicolas,
well, in my case, I have an exact idea:

Thinking on joomla 1.6.x + HikaShop (and may be new SEBLOD 2.0 or something else for forms and CCK)
I want build a portal (master) where develop some ACL services.
So, for example, a shop for each paid member: Customer login into portal and add/public/manage his shop.

At the mean time his products/shop are published on his site (one of my slave sites, Sharing contents using some components like JMS and/or Virtual Domains). So, beginning, for me the HikaMultiShop is:

- payments made to the admin or to each vendor (commission ?)
To each vendor, as separate shop (to admin there is yet jMarket: )
- manage products ? Fees for the listing of a product ?
Each vendor manage his own Shop (his products) - Portal admin as super administrator also can do it (if needed, may be as service paying fee)
- create new categories ?
Not indispensable, Portal admin can do that when needed
- multi lingual edition support ?
At the begin is not so important, but in prospective I think is a must
- orders management ?
Each vendor manage his own Shop (his orders) - Portal admin as super administrator again can help
- allow orders to be made across several vendors ?
NO (is how work jMarket right now). Not for me at the begin. May be in future users opening a new shop have to select how run the Shop on portal: as separate shop or as part of the main portal shop.

Do you know Virtual Domains extension ?
Take a look on this Forum Post
Can be a quick and simplest solution ?

Last edit: 13 years 10 months ago by joomleb.

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13 years 10 months ago #15417

Thank you for the details.

Concerning the VD extension, that's something which could indeed be combined with a future multi vendor feature so that each vendor can have his own store on his own website while all the vendors websites would actually be on the same joomla installation... Now, you would still need to have a multi vendor capability in HikaShop.
But that's not really what you want to do right? You want to have only one website where the sales happen but that several vendors can feed the system with their products.

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13 years 10 months ago #15548

now I'm looking for a Hika Multi Shop extension where each user of a site can be a vendor (based on access level) and can open and manage his own shop (included shipments and payments) on the site.

Waiting your reply, many thanks

Last edit: 13 years 10 months ago by joomleb.

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13 years 10 months ago #15683

I would also like to join in. The poll idea is great. Everyone should have the possibuility to select more than one feature he would like to be implemented.

Hope to see the poll soon.

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13 years 10 months ago #15714

What would be your expectations of that feature compared to joomleb's expectations ?

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13 years 10 months ago #15829

I think things like these should be kept simple. The people requesting the functions should at first be able to extend the application for their own need. And, if they make something useful for the community they can, of coarse, share it.

My expectations for an ACL feauture:
- The possibility to assign the Joomla! users (like administrators, managers, publishers) the rights to access several feautures (static rights for several groups would also be ok):
---Top level: Manage the roles
--Middle level: create categories: assign them to publishers and
--Middle level: create/edit/delete content from the publishers.
-Publisher level: Create/edit/delete products in their assigned categories.

Orders are always from the shop. The shop is responsible to assemble the goods from the publishers.

The payment (also shipping COSTS) should be handled by the administrator. The publishers can give the weight of products like it is already handled now. Only this gives the customer the possibility to buy several stuff from more than one publisher.

The administrator of the website should make the deals with the publisher, and send the part of the order money to him/her. Therefor, in the order management, a filter would be useful. This filter shows only the orders with products from one publisher and the total price of the products from only his part of the orders. No shipping costs here, as this was handled by the shop owner himself.

In the second place, according tho the right management, it could be useful to write down some deals between the shop owner (administrator) and the publishers. But I suppose any shop owner can make his own contracts so this feature is not needed in the first place.

This is just a very simple idea for the main purpose of this ACL feature. I think it would not be needed to give the publishers access to the frontend. But somewhere they also need to see what they sold. This is also something that is not really needed for the first release because the shop owners can contact their publishers by themselves.

I like the way you talk about Hikashop on this forum, it is great that you let the users of your product help to improve it. Go on!


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13 years 10 months ago #15837

Thank you for your thorough explanation.
The first thing we want to add to hikashop towards a multi vendor feature will be an advanced ACL management tool where you can define who can do what in HikaShop front and back end.
Then, we want to add the possibility of managing products, categories and orders from the front end.
Then, we would add the possibility to restrict the management to only it's own things as a vendor and managing vendors from the back end for the administrator.

We will probably add the features one by one during the year, hoping to have a multi vendor feature complete before the end of the year...

We ask our users since they are the ones who would use the functionality. Developing it without asking users would lead to developing unnecessary things and missing other crucial things.

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13 years 10 months ago #15945

In order to prioritise the requests you could allocate all registered forum users say 10 points. They can allocate these points against the list of upcoming features. They would be able to spread the 10 points across multiple requests up to a maximum of 10 or allocate all 10 points to one request if it was important enough to them. The total points allocated to each request determines its place in the list of priorities.

Once a request is flagged as accepted or underway the points are released for re-use. This prevents work already accepted / started by HikaShop moving up and down the priority list.

Any requests added to the list by the users can be closed by HikaShop if they already have a custom request from a paying customer.



always look on the bright side....

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13 years 10 months ago #16116

nicolas wrote:

Then, we would add the possibility to restrict the management to only it's own things as a vendor and managing vendors from the back end for the administrator.

This is a good thing. The restriction "vendors can only access their own products" seems to me more important than the possibility to use the front end.

Also, It might be handsome to separate the order management features from the product management features. For smaller shops the shop administrator (someone with full access to the orders) can handle the payments to the vendors along with their administration (between the shop owner and the vendors).

The poll idea in which every user can vote for the features is a very nice one. We're almost a democracy... :laugh:

How are you with these suggestions?

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13 years 10 months ago #16125

That would be nice but it's not easy to put in place. That would mean a combo between alphauserpoints and something else to handle the poll itself. Does such solution exists on Joomla ?

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13 years 10 months ago #16353

Oke, that's great! Let's do it an see what it brings us. If we are not happy with the results, we could let them go. Will you set something up like this?

Thanks :)

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13 years 9 months ago #17430

i am also looking for multi-vendor plugin for Food Co-ops. In my case i need the orders to be processed by the site owner but the vendors to be able to manage products and quantity. No Shipping is needed. i don't care whether the vendor logs in front or back.

you mentioned that no one was willing to pay the cost of development so far, what would be a general rounded cost for this to be developed?

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13 years 9 months ago #17433

Your needs seems quite easier to meet than other people's.
We would have to record the id of the user when a product is created so that this user would be the only one able to change it ( plus the super administrator group for the shop owner which would have access to everything) and you should be all set. Thus, I would expect affordable fees for such development that we should be able to implement in the short term. If you would like a quote, you can use our contact form to request it.

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13 years 9 months ago #17438

Indeed, these are the really basic changes that have to be made to make HikaShop work with more then one supplier.

There are two options for implementing this supplier-id in the products.
1. Use the categories (for each supplier a protected category). New products could only be made with their own category label. Edit only if their category label exists on the product. Somewhere is defined which users are able to access products from categories.

2. Another field (something like) 'owner'. The owner of a product can be set to a Joomla! usergroup or user. If there are more then one users in a usergroup, more users can access the products with their usergroup in the owner field.

The first one seems easier to develop: it is possible to select products from one supplier using the categories.

The second one seems more reliable and, once developed, the owner property can be set to more than only products. Shipping and payment methods for example.

Is there already some poll where we (members) can suggest features? How many members are interested in this ACL feature?

Thanks :)

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