I found the bug, problem was that i deleted the checkbox from the view checkout - address!
Deleted the following 2 blocks of code:
$checked = 'checked="checked" ';
$style = ' style="display:none"';
<input class="hikashop_checkout_shipping_same_address inputbox" <?php echo $checked; ?>type="checkbox" id="same_address" name="same_address" value="yes" alt="Same address" onclick="return hikashopSameAddress(this.checked);" />
<label for="same_address"><?php echo JText::_('SAME_AS_BILLING');?></label>
Any idea how i can still remove the checkbox, since our target audience will almost always send the products to a different address than the billing address.
Edit: Fixed it, i changed the view: checkout / address, and hidden the checkbox via CSS as suggested, also i deleted the label.
However don't edit the view: checkout / adress_view as it will cause the above bug