Thanks that would help but make my photographs very expensive as it is a lot of extra work that needs to be done.
I think it would be easyer to program this feature in hikashop that if you are selling photographs:
You create a template for price, description, a.s.o (already available)
You you can upload photographs (as many as you want) by import function (already available)
You can adjust width and height of thumbnail (already available)
You can adjust width and heigt of popup (already available)
Thumbs & pop up image are saved in upload folder (already available)
You should be able to import Origianl photograph and save it in safe folder and then it should be cropped automatically (with the size specified for thumbnail and popup )and saved in upload folder. (not available - only if you do it manually with CVS)
The way it is now is ok but not if you are looking to sell your pictures at a competitive prize - especially not if you have to do it for more than 500 photographs each time. Also the automated Excel functions do not help much because before I upload images I delete a lot of them which are not goood - and at that point the file names of photos will not be DSC_100.jpg, DSC_102.jpg, DSC_103.jpg, DSC_104.jpg a.s.o they will look more like DSC_100.jpg, DSC_105.jpg, DSC_109.jpg, DSC_111.jpg meaning I would have to compare the CVS with all photos and delete half of the ones created automatically comparing the CVS file with the photo numbers... which is simply too much work.