Hey guys,
I've finally gotten around to reactivating the Bitcoin plugin and it's working this time! Payments are confirmed and orders are automatically fulfilled.
There do seem to be a few glitches still though, having to do with payment speed. I've read the Bitpay API guide and I'm not quite sure how to figure out how Hikashop is implementing some stuff.
- The way the plugin is set up by default, with only 'complete' Bitpay status confirming a Hikashop order, this means that the speed option is totally irrelevant because orders will only be confirmed once Bitpay gets 6 confirmations (this is the same as Slow speed according to API guide)
- I changed the speed to Medium, and the 'confirmed' Bitpay status to confirmed in Hikashop. This should have resulted in a transaction that is confirmed once Bitpay gets 1 confirmation, but it took exactly as long as the above order - and required 6 confirmations still.
- I changed the speed to High, and still the same - 6 confirmations required and about 30-40 minutes.
I looked and I can't find any current documentation for the Bitcoin plugin, which is why I am posting this here. If you'd prefer I open a new thread let me know.