Yes. Thanks for all the efforts, I know you've spent a bunch of time on this already.
I think my best option would be a combination of the edits you have already given me and some css. At this point that's what I'm implementing, my only problem I have is that my default shop page is showing the previously selected category state! There must be some way to clear this, and only set it if selecting a category or product.
I'm trying to figure how to pass another variable to my templates index.php page to stick to the body tags class.
something like:
$menu =& JSite::getMenu();
$active = $menu->getActive();
$params = $menu->getParams( $active->id );
$class = $params->get( 'pageclass_sfx' );
<body id ="<?php echo $class ? htmlspecialchars($class) : ''; ?>" class="my_category">
I can hard code the css to work based on that. Not sure which variable exist and how to grab them though, I figure it's possible with the already generated variables being used by hikashop. I guess I would need to globalize it though?
My categories are unlikely to change, so if my shop page had <body id="shop" >and category pages/item pages were like <body id = "shop" class = "mycategory">
it would be doable to set the category menu based on that.