You should do like that:
Add the code:
$app =& JFactory::getApplication();
$order_id=$app->getUserState( HIKASHOP_COMPONENT.'.order_id' );
$class = hikashop_get('class.order');
$order= $class->get($order_id);
in the file "end" of the view "checkout" via Display>Views.
Then add the code
$app =& JFactory::getApplication();
$order_id=$app->getUserState( HIKASHOP_COMPONENT.'.order_id' );
in the file "after_end" of the view "checkout" via Display>Views.
2. Just set a weight of 0 for these products with shipping included.
1.bis You could create a link to a menu item of the type joomla user registration and users would be able to register via joomla to your website. But it's not a perfect solution as they go outside the checkout and won't stay on it after the registration like HikaShop can do.
2.bis If you're using acymailing for the newsletters, there is a plugin for that (it works for both the joomla registration form and the hikashop registration form) and it will add the user or not to your lists automatically based on the checkbox:
Otherwise, you can create a custom field of the table "user" via the menu Display->Custom fields.
3.bis That should be fine. Could you switch to SIM mode and see if it works ? If not, keep it in SIM mode and give a link to your shop so that we can see that.
4.bis There is already an Intuit Innovative Gateway integration for payments. You can configure it via the menu System->Payment methods.
There is however no other integration so far.