I'm afraid, it is not as simple. I mean, that you cannot hide the cart if it is empty. I spent precious time with trying to fix it before found this topic of the forum. However, I can't belive that. CAN NOT HIDE THE SHOPPING CART, IF IT IS EMPTY????? Ohhh, my...
1. There is a default joomla behaviour, "Hide the module if empty" or something. Why had to be neglected it??
2. My site is not a shop. The shop is only one tab in the top menu. However, I can not hide the cart on NONE OF MY PAGES due to this stupid behaviour of the cart. Nonsense! If I used Hikacart in prod mode, than legal regulation oblige me to provide many more data BECAOUSE there is a shopping cart on any given page of my site. If not giving the extra information, I'm fined heavily. At present, I use Sebercart, where this "empty cart hiding" issue is handled like a dream. The only thing I bought this cart, 'couse Seber finished development last August. Under this circumstances, I can never ever use this Hikashop, and now it is wasted money. Plus 3 days wasted work.
Is that really so, that a normal and Joomla-standard, default modul-behaviour is overriden, just because "somebody asked"? Nonsense. Unbeliveble.
After reading the quoted topic, I still do not understand the reason for prohibition of hiding the empty cart.
Very, very sad issue.