We got the access. Thanks.
I didn't understood that you were talking about the vendor contact form. It's now clearer why you have the problem.
I changed the code:
$vars['PRODUCT_DETAILS'] .= '<p>'.$fieldsClass->getFieldName($field).': '.$fieldsClass->show($field, $data->element->$namekey, 'user_email').'</p>';
$vars['PRODUCT_DETAILS'] .= '<p>'.$fieldsClass->getFieldName($field).': '.$fieldsClass->show($field, $data->element->$namekey, 'admin_email').'</p>';
in the preload of the contact email on your website (and on our end too) and that will make the link available.
However, note that this is a download link which requires a backend authentication (for security).
There is no way to have a download link available for the vendors on the frontend since otherwise, anyone would be able to download the files uploaded by users on the frontend and that would be a security issue.
So you can't have a custom fields of the type "ajax file", "ajax image", "file" or "image" for the vendor contact form.