I'm trying to make a copy of my hikashop site but when I import database I have the following message error:
/*!50001 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED *//*!50013 DEFINER=`xxxxxxxx`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER *//*!50001 VIEW `tmsr_hikashop_click_view` AS select `a`.`user_id` AS `user_id`,sum(`b`.`click_partner_price`) AS `click_price` from (`tmsr_hikashop_user` `a` left join `tmsr_hikashop_click` `b` on(((`a`.`user_id` = `b`.`click_partner_id`) and ((case when (`a`.`user_currency_id` = 0) then 1 else `a`.`user_currency_id` end) = `b`.`click_partner_currency_id`)))) where ((`a`.`user_partner_activated` = 1) and (`b`.`click_partner_paid` = 0)) group by `b`.`click_partner_id` */;
MySQL ha dicho: #1227 - Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for this operation
It seems to be something related with the affiliate program.
Some idea about this problem.