Hi All,
I migrated to a new test server:
- exportd hikashop tables
- ftped the content from media/com_hikashop to the new server
- installed upgrade to 'business'
and proceeded to set up a menu for the products.
Every thing within the hikashop seems fine, I can see all the products etc.
The joomla menus work for everything other than hikashop components?
The path name that is created seems to add an additional level, what I mean is instead of:
I get
I then get an error because the link in the menu is pointing to something that does not exist.
I have looked everywhere to find the reference to the Banners folder but there is none in any of the products, nor the categories nor the hikashop config so how is the additional folder called Banners being added by either joomla or hikashops. I should mention again that the menus work for all other linked items except hikashop components.
Please advise