The class 'hikashop_product_main_image' gets a fixed height equal to the 'Product Page Image height' setting in Hikashop's configuration. This results in the main picture overlapping the description text below it, when only one product image is available. In my case, I use a 300 x 400 Main Product image.
I believe the height value shouldn't be applied to this class. The "hikashop_product_main_image_subdiv" class already gets this same height assigned. If you assign it to 'hikashop_product_main_image' as well, the margins that are being added through other properties, aren't taken into account.
I removed de height property from 'hikashop_product_main_image' using Firebug and the layout problem disappears. Removing it doesn't seem to have any effect on single image products nor multiple image products.
What view would I have to adapt to make this change permanent?
Thanks again!
I'm using Hikashop 1.6.0 on Joomla 2.5.6