If you want your page heading to be different than you page title, you are supposed to be able to set the heading under menu item page display options. Setting the value has no effect in Hikashop.
To fix this, I added a little code.
In views/product/tmpl/listing.php I added the bits about page_heading
if($this->params->get($title) && JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main',0) && (!$this->module || $this->pageInfo->elements->total)){
$name = $this->params->get('page_title');
$name = $this->params->get('title');
else if ($this->params->get('page_heading'))
$name = $this->params->get('page_heading');
In views/category/tmpl/listing.php I added the bits about page_heading
if($this->params->get($title) && JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main',0)){
$heading = $this->params->get('page_title');
if ($this->params->get('page_heading'))
$heading = $this->params->get('page_heading');