E-commerce Templates

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11 years 11 months ago #97250

I am looking for an e-commerce Template that is compatible with Hikashop Business. Any ideas?


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11 years 11 months ago #97311

Hi Bern,

Hikashop can be adapted will all Joomla template, so you'll find some Joomla E-commerce template from website like that :
- www.websitetemplates.bz/joomla-ecommerce-templates.html
- www.vjtemplates.com/
- ..

Hope this will help you a little.

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11 years 11 months ago #97796

Those templates are awful can you speak with theme templates pages like shape 5 or joomlart to have one or two done for hika like they do for virtuemart???

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11 years 11 months ago #97798

Any joomla template will work with HikaShop, even the ones optimized for virtuemart.

Also, if you want shape5 or joomlaart to do some templates optimized for HikaShop, ask them. The more people ask them, the more they will do it.

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11 years 11 months ago #97819

How can I get in touch with them? I am trying all the other free e-commerce templates but they just don't suit what my client wants. I need a them template that will work with Hikashop Business. Can any one have suggestions? Previously my client was using Virtuemart and the theme template used was ja mesolite II. What is a good template them that will suite our business - Car parts retailing?

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11 years 11 months ago #97830

Try YOOtheme they've got the nicest Joomla templates, but their documentation is horrible - not for the faint of heart.
I've used 2 of their templates on hikashop & it seems to work well.

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11 years 11 months ago #97871

I also use yootheme templates, the main problem with them is that at the start it´s a bit difficult to understand how it works, and you have to do a lot off css to get the templates done and some php, not too much, but they are really nice.
Other templates like gavick ones or joomlar has virtuemart css done so you can copy from this css and change the classes to work with hikashop, even you can use some nice effects they have.
Both works well, but both needs a long time working on them.
Hope that helps you

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11 years 11 months ago #98006

condorazul, you're right about the difficulty to having to add additional code and modifications to Hikashop. It sure is an unpleasant and time consuming experience.
Do you mean to say that templates optimised for virtuemart are a lot easier to configure? Is gavick a lot easier to configure than YOOtheme ones?

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11 years 11 months ago #98019

Not so easy but as they develop the virtuemart you dont have to think in how to make your own template in hikashop just copy the css and ready. Nonetheless they usually have more module positions and flexibility than yootheme in wich if you want to create a New module position or layout is a little bit difficult. I worked with shape5, gavick, and yootheme, visually yootheme used to be the best but they support is not quite good. All of them have their advantages. For example in gavick you can use a module position to display the cart in a modal window as the template is ready for virtuemart or somo cool effects on roll over the products images. I managed to make something similar in yootheme but it taked me too long time. Some of the css is already compatible and you dont have to change it likrle buttoms and forms. Other sentences in css shoul be changed to hikashop ones. But any one you choose is a hard work not like magento or prestashop wich are ready for the ecommerce. Resuming give them a try...i usually work with yootheme nano2 to ceeate my templates from scrach but lately ive been trying shape5 and gavick and i like them too. I will post here a page that was done with gavick template and hikashop from one on the guys that posted in showcase and you will see how gavick works.

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