I'm using the latest version of Hikashop Business & Joomla 3 Protostar template.
Whenever I add a hika menu item to my main menu, a dropdown menu appears at the top of the page (when I go to certain pages only, like the Edit Profile page). I can only assume that something in the Hika CSS is taking my current main menu and converting it to a dropdown in order to make it bootstrappable. I don't want this since I am using a custom bootstrappable menu and end up with duplicat menus. How do I disable thie dropdown menu from appearing?
It seems to have a "chzn" class, and even though I disable that in the protostar template it still shows up. Do I need to look into the Hika css in order to disable this thing?
I've also tried specifying no bootstrap in the Hika configuration, but it still shows up.