Invalid token when checking out :(

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14 years 4 months ago #1407


When I try to checkout I get a white page saying invalid token? Happened after updating to latest version :(

you can visit my page by going to *deleted*

Thanks in advance!

Last edit: 8 years 7 months ago by jonthee.

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14 years 4 months ago #1408

I just tried and it's working fine for me on your website.

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14 years 4 months ago #1409

When I published the plugin mt-upgrade it seems to work (or it just went away) :/

Also, sometimes the shipping price is not included at checkout, and when you press update/next-button you go directly to the checkout (paypal or invoice), and sometimes when you login and try to checkout, the cart goes empty and the user logged out.. :(

Could some scripts be disturbing or something?

Thank you so much for helping out!

Last edit: 8 years 7 months ago by jonthee.

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14 years 3 months ago #1427

With the 1.3.4 release, a default shipping method is now selected by default during the checkout where before you had to click next to validate it.

Usually if you login through hikashop, you should not loose your cart and continue the checkout.

the version of mootools shouldn't change nothing if you use the latest version as we worked on the compatibility with joomla 1.6 which uses mootools 1.2 instead of the 1.1 version of joomla 1.5.

All in all, it would be great if you could post step-by-step instructions to reproduce the problems you're talking about on your website. That would help us being able to reproduce them and fix them if there are really bugs.

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14 years 3 months ago #1436

Hi again!

Everything seems to be working fine now! :)

But, there is something I cant figure out:

If I am not logged in and add a item to the cart, and then go to checkout and log in, the shipping is not visible until I press update/next, but if I am logged in while going to checkout, the shiping is visible, also sometimes the shipping price is not visible with the total although the shipping-choice is visible :(

If I may ask one more thing :)

In future versions, could there be a separate button for update and next on the checkout-page? A lot of users has responded to that :)

Thanks in advance!

Last edit: 8 years 7 months ago by jonthee.

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14 years 3 months ago #1439


Which version of hikashop do you use ? We improved the shipping selection in the latest version to automatically select it so that users aren't confused as to why they need to click on next and it shows almost the same page.

I'm not sure I understand your question. There is only a "next" button in the checkout. There is no update button.

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14 years 3 months ago #1444

Thank you for answering!

I use the latest version of Hikashop :)

The button made me confused, the translation for swedish says update/next (in swedish language).

But is there a possibility to make a update button in the checkout? Or a view-page before actually checking out? so the buyer knows that the next page will be the final when checking out?

Again, thank you for your support!

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14 years 3 months ago #1447

I have encountered another strange error, some products (not everyone) when I add them to the cart and then update the website (via the broswer) the products dissapear, also if I add them to the cart and then go to the checkout, they are not there, the cart is empty :(

Only happens to some products :(

Thanks in advance!

And now I recieve Invalid token everytime :( when pressing the next button at checkout :(

Last edit: 14 years 3 months ago by jonthee.

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14 years 3 months ago #1448

It's not really possible to know when the checkout will end with the default checkout workflow. If the user changes the shipping method or the payment method, the system will display again the same page because something changed in the order information.
You could know that if you had a checkout workflow with a final step where users couldn't modify the information.

For example, if you had the checkout workflow login_address_shipping_payment_cart_coupon,cart_status_confirm,end that would enable you to display a different button in the second step by editing step.php file of the view checkout via the menu display->views. However, that's not something we can add in HikaShop by default because it won't work with most checkout workflows. That's clearly customization which only the person building the website can do based on the checkout workflow he decides to use.

You you give us a link to the product on which the "add to cart" button makes the product disappear ? Do you see any differences between the products which work and the ones which don't ?

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14 years 3 months ago #1450

Hi again!

I cant even checkout now :( The invalid token page appears everytime..

None of the products can be added to the cart now, the are added to the module-cart but when I press the button go to checkout the cart is empty :(

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14 years 3 months ago #1453

I just tried on your website and it worked for me trying to buy the Nanopad.

There must be something interfering somewhere. Maybe you have some cache activated somewhere in modules or something ?

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14 years 3 months ago #1457

Nothing works here :( I have no cache enabled or anything :(

One time it works, but the shipping is faulty with not showing the shipping price in the total, and the other time noting works, I cant ad anything to the cart, it just says the car is empty when I checkout, or the invalid token appears :(

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14 years 3 months ago #1458

Maybe some cache in your browser ? Which browser do you use ? If you try with another browser, do you have the same issues ? If you clean the cache of your browser, does it work ?

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14 years 3 months ago #1459

No I have clean the cache and everything, I can shop 10% of the time, the rest some errors appears, either I cant add anything, I cant checkout (invalid token page) or something else :(

I use IE 8

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14 years 3 months ago #1461

I tried to access your website and didn't had any problem with IE8 either. I'm able to add products to the cart, remove them and go to the checkout. No errors at all.

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14 years 3 months ago #1462

Hmm, this is very strange, for me it occurs almost everytime (some errors).


Did you try purchase severals items over and over again? The first time it seems to be working, but when you add/delete/add go to checkout and so on, the erros occur :(

Thanks in advance.

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14 years 3 months ago #1468

Yes, I tried several times the operation to add/remove products and go to the checkout with several browsers as well. Every time, it worked.

Do you have the cache plugin enabled maybe ?

There must be something related to cache.

Did you try to use your website with another browser ?

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14 years 3 months ago #1493

Hi again!

I standby to this subject for a while, if everything works for you I will just have to wait and see :) No cache-plugin is enabled.

Let me ask, could some plugins, modules or components interfere with Hikashop? I am using the latest template of Shape5 with some modules of theirs.. + the rockettheme slideshow.

I am using the latest version of Joomla.

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14 years 3 months ago #1494

This "invalid token" issue should be related to cache. But since I don't see the problem and you see it, I'm thinking the problem might be due to your browser or maybe an option in your browser. It could also be a problem of proxy, as proxies can also cache pages.
That's why I asked you to try with another browser.
Or maybe you could try to browse your website from another computer...I don't know. There must be something...The problem is to identify which piece is caching the pages.
Some links which refer to the invalid token issue:

Of course, you could edit the controller files in the folder components/com_hikashop/controllers and remove the token checks from there: JRequest::checkToken('request')...That will avoid the blank page. However, that won't fix the real problem which must have something to do with cache and you will still have problems adding stuff to the cart etc , without even talking about the fact that it will remove the security added by the tokens check.

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14 years 3 months ago #1495

Hi again!

I have tried with Firefox and its working there (only tried once though).

But since this must be cache-related, what could cause it? The modules I use:

-shape5 quick contact (shape 5)
-rokslideshow (rockettheme)
-s5-box module (some sort of lightbox-effect)
-s5-register module (uses the s5-box for pop-up effect)
-shape 5 tell a friend module
-who's online (joomla's own module)

The template I am using:

Shape 5 october edition

Last edit: 8 years 7 months ago by jonthee.

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