I have installed 'com_hikashop_starter_1.4.7' on a Joomla 1.6 test system.
A test user created an order and went into PayPal, but did not actually complete the order in PayPal. The order is no longer in the Shopping Cart. In the backend, the order appears under 'Components'>'HikaShop'>'Orders'. Selecting the order number, then 'Invoice' results in an invoice popup which contains the following error message:
Warning: Missing argument 1 for hikashopPluginsType::preload(), called in /home/sam002/public_html/administrator/components/com_hikashop/types/plugins.php on line 86 and defined in /home/sam002/public_html/administrator/components/com_hikashop/types/plugins.php on line 15
Is this a bug, or have I failed to do something in the installation?
Thanks in advance, ~Randy