Hi again, about my problem, what about to edit end.php (the thank you page) with some code allowing the user to edit the order ? Is it possible ? I'm able to load the fullorder but when I try to edit and save some order data nothing happen. This is what I did :
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$order_id = $app->getUserState('com_hikashop.order_id');
$order_number = $app->getUserState('com_hikashop.order_number');
$orderClass = hikashop_get('class.order');
$fullorder = $orderClass->loadFullOrder($order_id,false,false);
With this I can read everything about the order, but if I edit something with this code :
$ordine = new stdClass();
$ordine->order_id = $order_id;
Nothing happen in the db. Whats's wrong ? Just if I edit the order state like this :
$ordine->order_status = "confirmed";
I have it changed, but if I edit somenthing about the products array I have nothing changed
Can you give me some help ?