If you have all the latest patchs, then either you are in a corner case that no one reported yet, or you have some view overrides or email override which comes from a previous version without all the patchs in it
I believe I have all the updated patches, but I have not created any view or email overrides.[/color]
So first check that the custom item fields are displayed in the order when you edit it in the backend (with the backend listing display setting activated in your custom field).
The backend listing display is enabled in the custom field, but the custom field is NOT displayed in the backend order Product List
If you do see it for the product in the order's products listing, then the problem is with the email which must have an override from an old version and you can check on that via the menu System>Emails.
If you don't see it there, then the value of the custom field is not recorded with the order. So check that you have the value of the custom item field on the cart in the checkout before validating it. If you do, then there is a problem when the order is created. If you don't, then there is a problem when the product is added to the cart.
The value of the custom field is shown in the cart before clicking on "Finish". So how can I find/fix the problem when the order is created?
I just looked at my database to try and find the table hikashop_item and there isn't one, I presume that is the table where the custom field entries would be located, correct? How do I create the item table or isn't it that simple?