After the line:
add the code:
if(strpos($options, 'class="') === false) {
$options .= ' class="hkform-control"';
} else {
$options = str_replace(array('class="form-control'), array('class="hkform-control'), $options);
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/field.php and it should fix the problem.
It's linked to the way your template styles the elements with the class "form-control" as it doesn't check the type of input when doing so and thus it treats the checkboxes and radios as if they were text inputs. This code modification will revert the class change we made in the 4.7.0 only for radios and checkboxes (we didn't see any issue with that change on our end with the templates we tried before the release of the 4.7.0).