Thanks again.
3. This is the output in the log file - does it help?
stdClass Object
[intent] => CAPTURE
[application_context] => stdClass Object
[shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
[brand_name] => Addingham Civic Society
[cancel_url] => https://www.addinghamcivicsociety.org.uk/acs/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=cancel_order&order_id=7&Itemid=501
[landing_page] => BILLING
[payer] => stdClass Object
[email_address] => gcopping@gmail.com
[purchase_units] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[invoice_id] => 7
[description] => Order number H7
[items] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[name] => Membership Renewal - Single
[quantity] => 1
[sku] => ACS01
[unit_amount] => stdClass Object
[value] => 9.00
[currency_code] => GBP
[tax] => stdClass Object
[value] => 0.00
[currency_code] => GBP
[amount] => stdClass Object
[value] => 9.00
[currency_code] => GBP
[breakdown] => stdClass Object
[item_total] => stdClass Object
[value] => 9.00
[currency_code] => GBP
[tax_total] => stdClass Object
[value] => 0.00
[currency_code] => GBP
[client-id] => AUtpWeTFVhKiAYtaAAqOFVUMAPWCFD2JwBmPVh5wG_NZYRsQAesJh7cko6L5I6oNmvoPH60Afan_kNBH
[integration-date] => 2022-07-11
[currency] => GBP
[components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages
[disable-funding] => paylater,venmo,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,sofort
[enable-funding] => card,credit
[intent] => capture
[debug] => true
4. OK in the Checkout tab I have now set "Override registration" setting to off. However in "LOGIN & REGISTRATION" section, you want me to turn off the "Login" setting and set the "Registration" setting to "guest". I've turned off the "Login" setting and set "User Group" to "Guest" because I can't see any other option to set to "Guest" (see enclosed screen capture). However this just results in completely missing out the login and address screens, going straight to Payment Method with the message "Registration not allowed" and "Access Forbidden". I am more confused now!!