While using Hikashop module and selecting "Type of content" as "Brand", the module would display the Brand names only and the Products belonging to the brand is not displayed upon clicking those names or links. In the Add New product page, the option Brand is not functioning and don't have any use at all if we cannot browse through products according to its brand.If we select a Brand in the New Product page, the product count of that brand is not reflected in the front page while displaying a module with "Brand" as "type of content" and Selecting "Show the number of products". Can anyone please explain the use of selecting the "Brand" while adding a product. The difference between the functionality of Discount and coupon in Hikashop starter. Under the parameter for products,there is an option- "Show discounted price"-"Display the discounted amount".But where is the option to enter the discounted price/percentage value for a product other than in the main "Discount" page and applying the coupon or discount during Checkout.
Thanks in advance.