Hi there! I get this stuff happening:
I want to change the looks of the checkout page in the frontend_custom.css. So, for example, its the Email line. So, in Chromium, i click on the Inspect Element and see, that its class is : "hikashop_registration_email_line".
Next, I add these lines to the .css file :
(I also tried this:
but it didnt work either)
Saving the changes, and everything crushes (see 1st screnshot)
I am removing the changes and everything works fine (see 2nd screenshot)
Actually, if I am trying to change
anything on the checkout page, it crushes just like on the 1st screenshot. Also, the looks of the pop-up notice when a product is added to the cart crushes too and it looks pretty ugly. So, the list of things crushing :
1) Filters titles
2) Cursors disappear in the filters
3) Colour of the price
4) Pop-up notice
5) Pages to navigate through the catalogue in the bottom of the page
thats all i noticed yet.
I dont know. Maybe it is not a bug and I am doing the wrong thing, but I changed many .css issues like that and everything went fine.