Hi All,
Just for clarity - I have joined two threads dealing with this problem together, and fixed it as suggested with the Rokbox viewer template, without resorting to modifying template system files - cool! And thanks.
Install Rokbox viewer template in the usual way, its free:
Seems to show up enabled OK from the start.
Then follow Nicolas' later instructions in this thread:
The easiest solution will be to put the file in the archive enclosed in the folder templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/
That will override the normal image display and display the big images in a new tab instead of displaying it in a joomla popup.
Try with that one.
File Attachment:
File Name: hikashop_image-20110620.zip
File Size: 295
For complete idiots (like me), the YOUR_TEMPLATE part of the directory address is the name of the template that you are already using for the Hikashop part of your site, NOT a new folder to be made!
Open the hikashop_image-20110620.zip archive and extract the hikashop_image.php file.
Then for a better 'same browser tab' fix do the following:
BEFORE uploading it, open it in a text editor and delete the contents(!), and paste this code in instead:
function hikashop_image_link_render(& $obj, $path, $addPopUp, $optionslink, $html) {
return '<a rel="rokbox (Album)" title="'.$alt. '" target="_blank" href="'.$obj->uploadFolder_url. $path.'" onclick="SqueezeBox.fromElement(this, {parse: \'rel\'}) return false;"'. $optionslink .'>'.$html. '</a>';
function hikashop_small_image_link_render(& $obj, $path, $addPopUp, $optionslink, $html) {
return '<a class="hikashop_image_small_link" rel="rokbox (Album)" title="'.$alt. '" href="'.$obj->uploadFolder_url. $path.'" onclick="SqueezeBox.fromElement(this, {parse: \'rel\'}) return false;" target="_blank" onmouseover="return hikashopChangeImage(\''. $addPopUp. '\', \''. $obj->uploadFolder_url_thumb. '\', \''. $obj->thumbnail_x. '\' , \''. $obj->thumbnail_y. '\', this); "'. $optionslink .'>'. $html.' </a> ';
This comes from the thread:
Re: using rokbox for new/edit address
Then save and upload to the directory mentioned above.
All works as a shadowbox in the same window as the product item. You can changes the themes look, etc, in the Plug-in Manager as usual.