1. Try to save again the products. And try to change the price display from "both" to "with" or without" save and put back to "both".
2. This has been corrected. You can replace the concerned line with:
<input type="text" name="data[product][product_msrp]" value="<?php echo @$this->element->product_msrp; ?>"/><?php echo ' '.@$mainCurr[1]->currency_symbol.' '.@$mainCurr[1]->currency_code; ?>
3.You can set many prices for one product, and there is access level for each price. You can set a price for public and one for registered.
4. You can edit the informations by editing the banktransfer payment method in System > Payment methods
5. In Display > Custom Fields, you can disable the field "address_title".