Just one JS error:
redeclaration of var console
never seen this before... any ideas?
So, just to be clear then JQuery can NOT exist on the checkout page/s, and then Hika is OK? or just anywhere?
Also I found this which I tried in the <head>, which killed the error, but still NO address.
Then I removed the <script> and still no address is editable.
if (typeof window.console == "undefined") {
window.console = {
log: function() {
To edit customer details
By the way, I also tested with the JA Purity and the Milky Way templates and no address shows or is editable... Hmmmm....
Additionally, we decided not to implement and taxes based on zip code, so I have not made any address changes.
In the end, closing my Safari browser worked -- but not in FireFox. This JS err: "redeclaration of var console" just sticks... I cleared cookies too. Any ideas?
You might want to put a sticky post about JQuery. I like to help others avert alot of time was spent this one. Thx