"b/ You should turn on SEF in the joomla configuration. Then, in the configuration of HikaShop, there are some parameters in order to configure the way your SEF links will be generated."
I have done this assuming the parameneters you are talking about are the four configuration issues under Hikashop>>Configuration>>Main>>SEF url options. There was no improvement after changing to the following configuration:
Simplified breadcrumbs: No
Activate smaller url: Yes
Category SEF name: category
Product SEF name: product
Is there somewhere else I should be looking at?
"c/ The add to cart button uses the CSS of buttons of your template. Your template apparently doesn't define any CSS for buttons, that's why it's displaying as a normal button."
I use the css you supplied. I think you gabe me the wrong css. Look again on your demo website you see the add to cart styling with the colour change on hovering on +/- for cart and the blue basket icon. Thats the styling I am looking for. Could you re-send the styling?
Lastly, if you take a look at the hikashop category listing menu on
i.e. "our store", after changing settings for css on Hikashop>>Configuration>>Display>>CSS>>Front-end CSS File to "default" the menu intems are not aligned to the right as one would expect. which Css settings should I change? Wonder if you could give me the css used on the dem site as well, might use an altered version of that.