zlenko wrote: If you think so, please explain to me, for example, how to set up a $ 5 discount on every item in an amount greater than 3?
I think that you'll be able to do it by using
auto loaded coupon (you'll just have to turn on the
Auto load in cart if possible option ) with the "Minimum number of products" set to 3, then your coupon will be auto loaded in your cart if you have more than 3 products in it
Possible application of the rules discount (discount amount or a percentage discount or a gift or a special price):
Without conditions
Discount when the quantity is
Discount when the quantity is more
Discount when the quantity is less than
Discount for quantity equal to
Discount for quantity more
Discount for quantity less
Discount for quantity multiple cycles of
Discount for quantity of cycles
Discount for quantity of multiple
Discount for quantity is not a multiple
Discount when the amount is
Discount when the amount is more
Discount when the amount is less than
Discount for amount equal to
Discount for amount more
Discount for amount less
Discount for amount multiple cycles of
Discount for amount of cycles
Discount for amount of multiple
Discount for amount is not a multiple
Some of these discounts can be done by using auto loaded coupon
However, you have a lot of
in Hikashop which can be used for the development of specific cases.