I'm having trouble uploading a csv file using the import function in the product section.
For example, when I upload the file example.csv, I receive the following message:
This file type ( xample ) is not accepted, the accepted file types are : zip,doc,docx,pdf,xls,txt,gz,gzip,rar,jpg,gif,tar.gz,xlsx,pps,csv,bmp,epg,ico,odg,odp,ods,odt,png,ppt,swf,xcf,wmv,avi,mkv,mp3,ogg,flac,wma,fla,flv,mp4,wav,aac,mov,epub
I'm currently using Joomla 3 in cPanel
Solutions I have tried:
- turning magic quote off via htaccess.
It would be great if someone could help asap.