I update to new 1.5.7.
I found a problem with the new user form: the first field wasn't translated (HIKA_USER_NAME). I solved with a new italian translate.
Now i have a problem with the bank transfer data on the confirmation e-mail.
Also in this version in the email there are no data bank; why?
I manually edited the e-mail file as you did me to do. But it does not work. Maybe I made some mistakes.
I now have this:
} ?> <a href="$pay_url"><?php JText::_('PAY_NOW');$paymentClass = hikashop_get('class.payment'); $payment = $paymentClass->get($data->order_payment_id); $payment->payment_params = unserialize($payment->payment_params); echo $payment->payment_params->information; ?></a> <?php } ?> <br/>
Where is the mistake?