A new post about the problem I noticed before: the unwanted expanding of categories in the categories list module.
In my last post I wrote optimistic: "Yes, it works." Indeed, by using a translation override I got rid of the text 'No categories' when there's no subcategory. I replaced this text with an empty string,
As a result in the categories list module ('Categories on 2 levels') a category item only expands after clicking in case that a subcategory exists. That's fine.
That's what it should do using this configuration :
Sub elements filter: Direct sub elements,
Show sub categories: All direct subcategories.
But alas, I've just discovered that the expanding ONLY works correctly on pages with an OVERVIEW OF PRODUCTS IN A CATEGORY !
The categories list module is behaving differently on PRODUCT PAGES. Then all categories expand, showing an empty div (class .pane-sliders .content) .in case that there's no subcategory, or showing the name of the subcategory.
I can't find a way to change this unwanted behaviour..
I would like the category items ON ALL PAGES only expand after clicking and only in case that a subcategory exists.
Please advise.