nicolas wrote: But as you know Rome wasn't built in one day.
It looks like, I bulilt a small part of Rome in one day.
I dont know the system, I just simple puchased it, and made it alone under 1 day??
I just thought it's can't bee a big job, and Its true! Not big deal..
So when I made it under one day. I think, (if you are a talented team), maybe 1-2 hour.
nicolas wrote: The reason is simple. The front end module wasn't build to handle that.
No. The answer what is simple
That module is perfect to the frontend too, because that just a simple dTree
nicolas wrote: You can do it by create one menu per category
It's a nightmare if i have lot of category, and that changeing every week or month.
For other users, who found this post, and wanted to do more level deep then 2:
1, Copy: administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/explorer TO: components/com_hikashop/views/explorer
2, Copy paste and rename mod_hikashop_currency module to the same dir as mod_hikatree (change xml datas for install it later trough joomla admin)
3, Empty mod_hikatree/tmpl/default.php
4, In mod_hikatree/mod_hikatree.php keep the JEXEC, and include helper parts, clean the others and paste this:
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_hikatree', $params->get('layout', 'default'));
$html = trim(hikashop_setExplorer('view',2,false,'product'));
if(!empty($html)){ echo ' <div class="hikashop_tree_module"> '.$html.' </div> '; }
5, In components/com_hikashop/views/explorer/view.html.php
5.1 Change line 39
$where = ' WHERE a.category_type IN ('.$database->Quote($type).',\'root\')';
$where = ' WHERE a.category_type IN ('.$database->Quote($type).',\'\')';
5.2, If you want to sincronize tree after you clicked one category, add this to line 67
$d = explode("-",basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $defaultId = abs($d[0]);
6, Joomla admin -> extension manager -> manage -> discover -> click discover -> install
7, in module manager create new module -> Hikashop Tree -> set a position, save, and you are finish
Thanks the help?
I uploaded my finished version too. Please, if you like my job, invite me for a coffee: paypal : sharqgm (@) gmail (dot) com DL link: