It seems to be a translation issue.
Here is the text in English :
By default, the PDF invoice is attached only to the notification email when the order is getting confirmed (based on the setting in the configuration). You can configure here one or several statuses (separated by a comma) so that it overrides the status of the configuration. For example, if you enter 'confirmed,shipped,refunded' (without the quotes) the invoice will be included in the email notification if the status of the order is confirmed, shipped or refunded.
Regarding the product code, did you activate the "Display product code" setting of the HikaShop configuration ?
And / or did you change the code as explained in
? Note that if you changed the code in the plugins/hikashop/attachinvoice/attachinvoice/invoice.php file, if you already made an override of that file in media/com_hikashop/plugins/invoice.php then it's the override file which is used and thus you need to do the change in the override file instead of the default file of the plugin.