I have many customers creating commands (probably on smartphones) that don't go through the paypal payment process.
Then, their commands stays created and some time after, they re-create command(s), until they pay the last one.
My problem is with the previous created commands. Mainly the customers don't want to pay again and agree to cancel the orders.
I don't want (for administration charge reasons) to cancel myself the commands in the backend, after contact with customers.
I would like that they have the ability, in their Customer Panel to click on a "Delete order" button, like they have one to pay with a delay a created order.
I observed that on Paypal site, when you click on the "Cancel and go back to the site" link, the command is really cancelled in Hikashop.
It's a way, but not fine for customers.
Of course, the "Delete" button should only appear for "Created" orders, not for "Confirmed" ones.
Do you know a way to add a such "Delete" button ?
Thanks by advance.