Thank you for answer
1) I choose to use meta description as short description....I just added an IF ELSE inside the file...quick solution. At the begininng I used "strip_tags(preg_replace...but I found easier metatag
<?php } if(!empty($row->product_meta_description)) { ?>
<?php echo $row->product_meta_description;?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php echo "pippo";?>
2) That feature doesnt include images in UL LI display in product listing -Products/ can include only UL class so i added the thumbnail
<?php } if($this->config->get('thumbnail')){ ?>
echo $this->image->display(@$this->row->file_path,false,$this->escape($this->row->file_name),"","", $width ,$height);
$main_thumb_x = $this->image->main_thumbnail_x;
$main_thumb_y = $this->image->main_thumbnail_y;
$this->classbadge->placeBadges($this->image, $this->row->badges, -10, 0);
$this->image->main_thumbnail_x = $main_thumb_x;
$this->image->main_thumbnail_y = $main_thumb_y;
<?php } else { ?>
echo $row->product_name;
I have to check this code ...i made in a hurry...seems to works tough.
I already modified forms to display options and display a text field in article for short description..
I just need to know which files are involved to get data