I am using the latest Hikashop (2.0) and I just stumbled on a problem with the onBeforeOrderDelete and onAfterOrderDelete plugin callbacks.
The $element array containing the keys of the deleted order is modified by the helper class between the before and the after callback. This array is passed by reference in the subfunctions and is modified by it causing changes of content in the before and after callback. Check the following lines:
com_hikashop/classes/order.php (hikashopOrderClass->delete) line 682: $result=parent::delete($elements);
com_hikashop/helper/helper.php (hikashopClass->delete) line 1281: $elements[$key] = $this->database->Quote($val);
In this last line, the $element which is passed by reference is modified by the database->quote() function, which is adding single quotes around the order key in the array. So after returning from the helper->delete(function) the $element array is passed to the onAfterOrderDelete callback, but this time, the order keys have quotes around it.