Hi Jerome,
I have installed Hikashop Business v2.1.3.
As far as I can find out, occurs the problem in the backend view "product/selectcategory. php
On line 59 the field "category_name" is used, but this field is not a part of table "hikashop_product_category".
<?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', JText::_('HIKA_NAME'), 'a.category_name', $this->pageInfo->filter->order->dir,$this->pageInfo->filter->order->value ); ?>
When i sort on the Name column, the folowing error occurs:
1054 Unknown column 'a.category_name' in 'order clause' SQL=SELECT a.ordering, b.* FROM spa_hikashop_product_category AS a LEFT JOIN spa_hikashop_product AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_id WHERE a.category_id=2 AND b.product_type = 'main' ORDER BY a.category_name asc LIMIT 0, 20