Can you please tell me where i can find a solution for the folowing problem?
I created a custom field "Antibacterieel" in de product table, with a single dropdown field type.
The dropdown list has two values, where the labels (HIKASHOP_YES, HIKASHOP_NO) has to be translated from the language file.
In the picture "custom_field_language_string.jpg", you can see by Preview, that the value HIKASHOP_YES is translated into "Yes"
Then I created a custom filter of the type radio button, and use it in combination of the custom field "Antibacterieel"
In the picture "custom_filter_language_string.jpg" you can see the settings.
When i use this filter on a category page, the language string are not translated coresponding the chosen language.
See picture "Language_string_not_translated.jpg"
Can you please tell me what I do wrong?