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13 Dec 2024 16:17

Roadmap for Hikashop

Category: Product & Category Display


Here is the default look of the registration page with the default template of Joomla 5 (minus the "Your logo URL" custom field):
And here it is, once I try to validate the form without filling anything:
This looks way better than what you have on your screenshot.
Wouldn't the problem be precisely that you already customized the views / CSS based on an old version of HikaShop on your website and thus you didn't get the improvements that were made since then ?
Or maybe your template has custom views / CSS which prevent you from seeing the changes ?
The contact form look simple and fine to me too :

Regarding animations and effects, we did add several of them throughout the years:

- in 2022, HikaShop 4.5.1 introduced many new things:
The zoom on hover effect on listings, the popup product page on listing, and the capability to personalize the backend product edit page completely with drag&drop, etc.

- in HikaShop 5.0.0 we've added an accordion display to the checkout system:
In that same version, we've revamped the social networks area to propose nice share buttons (in fact, next version of HikaShop will include new share buttons for Telegram, Bluesky, Whatsapp and Line)

- We've added carousel effects and migrated to more modern systems several times :
The latest one, with HikaShop 5.0.1 one year ago:
And in that same release, we've migrated the image popup system from the old shadowbox from 15 years ago to FancyBox which is a lot more modern:
It supports swapping on smartphones, new image formats, better responsiveness, effects, etc.

- HikaShop 5.1.0 came with a major improvment to custom fields so that you can add videos easily:
Create a custom field of the table "product" and of the type "AJAX file" and use the format to use a video tag ( ) with the {url} tag to easily add videos to products.

- Tabs have been available since years on the product page with the "tabular" layout of the product page. Also, there have been plugins to easily add tabs, sliders and accordion to the product description for years:

Regarding the backend:

- HikaShop 5.1.1 also came with a whole new interface in the backend listings to configure price display in an interactive way, we improved the UX for the price creation in the backend, and a new display option for the height consistency on listings :

- Similarly, HikaShop 4.7.1 added a system to customize the columns of all the listings in the backend:
And we've added many new columns of data too since then.

- In HikaShop 5.0.0, we've added the drag&drop support for backend listings:

Basically, I'm very surprised with what you're saying. I feel that we precisely focused on the points you're mentioning in the past few years so I'm surprised you're saying that it didn't move forward in 10 years.
Maybe it's a lack of clarity over the improvements and capabilities added ? Maybe you missed some of them ?
Of course, we're happy to get feedback on things that could be improved. In fact, many of the things that were improved / added in these past few years were done following feedback from users of HikaShop. For a few of them, a user even provided the new code.
So, if you have precise things you would like to talk about, we would be happy to talk about them and see what can be done to move forward.
26 Oct 2024 01:37

Number of Columns Dislayed

Category: Product & Category Display

-- HikaShop version -- : 5.1.1
-- Joomla version -- : 4.4.9
-- PHP version -- : 8.1
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome

Hi, I created a menu called SHOP that display a category listing. I have set it to display 3 category thumbnails in a row. When viewing on a desktop, it displays 3 in a row. However, when I view on tablet with portrait orientation it displays only 1 category per row even if there is still much space to show 2 or even 3 categories in the row. Is there a setting to make display responsive so that the number of categories that will appear in a row will depend on the width of the device?
20 Sep 2024 18:17

hover_x_img_title - not responsive!!?

Category: Product & Category Display

I have setup the module: "Content display for Hikashop" with 4 columns and the layout type hover_x_img_title - I want the images to fill the whole with of the column and be responsive, but one can only enter px sizes and not % sizes for the image ??? How tp make the images fill the whole width of the column ??
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