I have set up Hika Shop (basic) for a client, back in november, under joomla 1.7. All worked perfectly fine, I could order, checkout etc.etc
In the menatime, the site is updated to joomla 2.5.4, hikashop is on 1.5.7. php 5.3.10, mysql 5.0.95.
Last week our very first order came through, but unfortunately, somehow the shipping cost (we only have one) were not calculated. Well, I figured maybe with the updates some settings have changed so lets test it.
Since then, I can not get the checkout process working. I get internal server error after internal server error.
I've been trying all I can, but can't for the life figure out what is wrong. Tried with joomla sef, without it, tried changing the flow. Asked my webhost, they didn't see anything specific in teh logs.
Can you help me? I took the shop offline but can send you a link where it is still available (trhough another menu).
I also can get you the error log, raw access log, or backend access.
let me know where I can send it, I don't want to post that here.
Hope you can help!
kind regards,