Hello Lene,
My question is, with the radius calculation can Hikashop do if for a fee? And if so, how much?
For custom works, the best solution will be to directly contact us through our contact form so that we can properly answer you :
Regarding the suburb shipping, is there a way where you manually add the suburbs you ship to, and the shipping is restricted to the suburbs added? And again, could it be done for a fee, and if so, how much?
Well if you want to add another zone to restrict your shipping method, the best solution will probably be to :
- Create a custom shipping zone via "Hikashop->System->Configuration->Zones"
- Manually add every zone in that custom shipping zone which will be used to restrict your shipping method
- Add that custom delivery zone through the "Zone" option of your shipping method configuration page.
Else, we'll need more details about how you exactly want to use your shipping methods.