Hello people.
I'm trying to display the contents of an article in isolation (which only shows the article without headers or menus or anything) without losing functionality.
I want to use the functionality offered by Hikashop with "product tag insertion plugin" where you include the information of one or more products from the online store in an article using tags as follows:
{product}100027|cart|quantityfield|pricedis3|price tax2{/product}
I have been testing this in two different ways:
1. - Keeping functionality, but without disappearing headers or menus (attached "pantallazo1.jpg")... I get this with the following code:
<p><a href="
" class="modal" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 1000, y: 600}}" target="_blank">OPCION 1</a></p>
2. - Removing headers and menus but losing functionality (attachment "pantallazo2.jpg")... And that I get with this other code:
<p><a href="/component/content/article?id=16&tmpl=component" class="modal" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 1000, y: 600}}" target="_blank">OPCION 2</a></p>
The fact is that in the second option, the layout has been lost, but the links appear, and those to increase or decrease order quantities are working OK but the link to "Add to cart" does not work.
The only difference is how to configure the URLs for viewing the article in the modal window, And I wonder if there was any way to mix the best of both views (layout and functionality of the first option and publishing isolated from the second one).
I tried this with specific extensions for "modal box" (JoomlaXTX Modal Box Plugin, Simple Pop Up, Modalizer, etc ...), but the result has been disastrous or more or as much similar.
Hope you can help.
Thanks everybody in advance.
Raul R.