Hi Nicholas you are right. I'm spanish and I'm an individual too, but if you buy a physical good, and customer need an invoice, The "Agencia Tributaria" (spanish Tax Office) require us a customer valid document number (included European customers). Indeed, I don't have a VAT number but I have a DNI/NIF, that for Spanish Tax Office, it works like VAT number for this purpose.
This is the fact because I need to modify this behaviour.
Anyway, our site only allow checkout to registered users, and we have a custom field that user fill in at registration. All what I need is to access to this custom field at getTaxType() function in "currency" class, because I tried whith next code but doesn't work.
$usr_joomla = JFactory::getUser();
$ursclass = hikashop_get('class.user');
$usr_hika = $usrclass->get($usr_joomla->id,'cms');
If I insert a var_dump($usr_hika); instruction I obtain NULL value
I am in checkout process and I am logged in with a valid user.