if have a product configure like this :
A.) does it mean we have only ONE product and we can buy this product using euro OR dollar settings ? using Dollars ll cost more than euros .Whe n one of this item ll be buy ; the product ll be not available ( stock 0 ) .
B.) I can understand that set a tax category update the price or price with tax cell when one value is set to one of those cells refer to tax category value . Does it mean we can't define the 2 value cells but on ly one ( price or price with tax ) and we have to let hiskahop compute the 2nd cell value refer to select category tax ?
What is the logic of hikashop to behave like this ? I think i miss something here the french tva value for euro is apply automaticly to Dollars currency after save the product page !!
C.) I don't understand why in price and taxe there is a column for quantity !!! and how behave hikashop for product quantity , tax quantity and serial quantity . I i want a a product with quantity 1 so need I need 1 serial but tva can change refer to currency ?