I am new to hikashop but very impressed so far. I can tell a lot of thought and work has gone into this component and thank you!
I have a suggestion though for future versions of hikashop:
it would be very nice to be able to clone or copy products and shipping methods.
I see that hikashop prefers to use variants but I have only a hadnful of products so I want to show each one but it is still tedious to copy paste each one's info.
and since shipping scale is not done as a table but as individual rules, it is very tedious to manually repeat them. I have not looked to see if there are shipping addons (probably paid?) but that would be nice too, to have some shipping options such as table rates (by # of items, weight, dollar amount, etc).
I am a small business owner just getting my shop started so I do not have money for upgrades and do appreciate this intro version. hopefully at some time in the future I can upgrade. until then I offer my suggestions as a long time vm (and some time zen) user, that is happy to see this very nice alternative.