After having spend all day on 'joomshopping' bugs. I got so sick and tired that I switched to HikaShop. Hoping for the best on this 11/11/11 day.
I have to say that the whole back-end is more functional and way prettier than JoomShopping. So that was kinda hopeful.
Until I started to put on a product. All well on the back-end.
But on the front-end it gives me this error:
Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object in /htdocs/public/www/administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php on line 777
I thought it might have something to do with things I picked out on my product. So then I did a 'test' product where I left everything 'standard' and didn't add any pictures or whatsoever. It comes back with the same error.
I'm pretty sure I've done something wrong somewhere, but I'm probably too tired of staring at my monitor to find the solution.
Can someone please help me out here?