Thanks Nicolas,
but what do you mean by : "In the same manner, the menu on the checkout is not accessible to non logged in users." ?
When you add an article to the cart, the first step is to authenticate or to create an account. But the cart is filled if you don't register.
But to go through the checkout process steps (and for paying), you need to be logged in.
How Paypal returns the payment notification (Done in Paypal backend, with confirmation to the user) ?
I haven't modified IPs and .htaccess
When I make the payment in Paypal Sandbox, I get a confirmation of the payment and a link-back to my site. When I click on it, I receive the message THANK_YOU_FOR_PURCHASE
Then in Hikashop, the payment is Pending with "Notification automatique de paiement reçue" and PayPal transaction id:XXXXX
and I receive from Hikashop a PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION_FOR_ORDER mail saying :
Une notification de Paypal a été reçue avec le statut: Pending. La commande a maintenant le statut 'En attente'.
with a link to
Are notifications working with the Developpers Sandbox ?