So im starting to configure the shop and under "hikashop manual shipping plugin" i've added a shipping method called "Digital" with no specific zones set so on the cart contents display page it should be available for all zones. However HS sais "no shipping method found" while it has been configured and is public.
* When i tried to add a zone manually and click the box for ALL zones, it defaults to limit to "afghanistan"
* When i click on "name in english", it sorts them and they can be selected but the "OK" button disappears
* When i then click on the "name" link, the admin pannel loads inside the window, i see something about zones, but the entire component is loaded again inside that window (like i could configure hikashop within hikashop through the zones selection window). So i cancel
* Click on "type" and the OK button disappears
* click on "activated" and the same thing happens, backend is loaded again
Whatever i do, i can't get the shipping method to work properly.